Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 38, Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Today has been a day of prayer for Rosie's safety, for an answer from God regarding Simeon's behavior and possible residential treatment either for respite or for live in.  Needless to say my emotions have been off the wall.  So thankful for praying family and friends.  Thankful for my dear Sissy, Pepper, who put legs to her prayers from the Pacific area, and did some research for me, and for Kathy who made a call, and for my son in law, Mike, from the Chicago area,  who is willing to go pick Rosie up and return her.  Thankful also that he is willing to give her a good "Daddy type" talking to about the dangers of online connecting. Thankful for my sister by adoption , Jody, (you know what I really want to call you!!)  who faithfully prays from the northern country.  Thankful for my other aopted sister, Cheryl, who listens to my fears and tears, too.  So very thankful for God Who hears our every thought and prayer--Who cares and answers, and who gives peace!  He is so awesome and to Him I owe my everything.  I wanted to be "back together" before the little ones got home from school, and He has worked that out! 

Today Cheryl took pictures of my leg for posterity!!


  1. Marge, your leg is looking marvelous--I'm marveling at the colors!! :) Praying for you and your family. Yes, God is able to put us back together--physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually. Love to all!

    1. Yes, God has given me healing so many times! Great docs and great technology, but no human can make anything actually heal--that is a totally God-thing--thanks, Roxann!
